License Application Fellow of CSI (FCSI®) – New Pathway

The FCSI® requires applicants to complete an approved education path. CSI currently offers two paths to earn the FCSI®:

CIWM Path – As of the approved education path to earn the FCSI® has been updated to require an applicant to hold:

  1. The CIWM designation
  2. One of the following designations: PFP®, CIM®, MTI®, IQPF, CFP®, CFA®, CLU®, RFP

FSDC Path – Until December 31, 2025, an applicant can follow the previous education path with the following requirements:

  1. Hold one of the following designations: PFP®, CIWM, CIM®, MTI®, IQPF, CFP®, CFA®, CLU®, RFP
  2. Complete the Financial Services Industry: Business Drivers and Challenges (FSDC) course
  3. Complete two courses from a different stream than that leading to the Designation(s) you already hold.

Please visit FCSI® approved education path page for more details.

External Designation Recognitions are subject to CSI’s External Designation Recognition policy and fee.




I confirm that:


Please provide contact information for your endorsement declaration. Provision of this contact information is your acknowledgement that CSI may retain this information on your file and contact the individual noted for this purpose only.


Have you ever been accused of professional misconduct, disciplined or reprimanded by, or had a licence suspended or revoked by, an employer, professional association or administrative or regulatory authority (i.e. securities commission, law society, real estate association, Have you ever been accused of professional misconduct, disciplined or reprimanded by, or had a licence suspended or revoked by, an employer, professional association or administrative or regulatory authority (i.e. securities commission, law society, real estate association, CIRO, Insurance Regulator, FINRA, etc.)?, Insurance Regulator, FINRA, etc.)?

Are you currently bankrupt or have you at any time in the past 5 years been adjudged bankrupt?

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence* in any jurisdiction for which a record suspension or a pardon has not been granted?

Have you ever been convicted of an offense under any financial services or consumer protection legislation in any jurisdiction (i.e., laws regulating the sale of securities, insurance, real estate, mortgages, etc.)?

If you have answered “Yes” to any of the questions above, please attach all relevant paperwork, including details of any punishment or disciplinary action taken. Any information you provide will be collected, stored and used in accordance with applicable law and our privacy policy and will be shared with the Designation Ethics Committee to determine your suitability for the designation.

* “Criminal offence” excludes an offence (i) under a provincial regulatory statute, such as the Highway Traffic Act, unless the provincial statute is specifically listed above and unless the provincial conviction involved an offence of dishonesty or theft, such as perjury or subornation of perjury, false statement, fraud, embezzlement, or false pretense, or any other offense the commission of which involves some element of deceit or untruthfulness, and (ii) an offence punishable by summary conviction only that is not an offence of dishonesty or theft.

You are not required to submit your documentation on an annual basis, however from time to time some members may be subject to random audits.

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