Opportunity Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.We appreciate your interest in CSI qualifications being offered at your organization. Please take a moment and answer a few questions for us to understand your needs better. Thank you for your time! Full name of the organization * start Please this Is your organization part of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO)? *YesNoName of contact person, email address and contact number Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Please let us know if your organization is: *Credit UnionFinancial InstitutionGovernment FundedNot for ProfitPost Secondary InstitutionPlease provide us with the list of Training Course and Educational Paths that your team is interested in? *Is your current training offered internally or by an external provider? Please provide additional details. *What is the anticipated date by which you need to start offering CSI qualifications? *Can you tell us more about the decision-making process in your organization? *What is your timelines for making a decision? *Immediately1-6 months6+ monthsWe greatly value the opportunity to collaborate with your organization about the potential benefits our partnership can bring. As part of our agreement, there is a requirement for a minimum annual commitment. We understand this represents a commitment, and we would like to kindly ask if you could confirm your organization's readiness and ability to meet this financial aspect of our partnership. Your confirmation will help us in ensuring a smooth continuation of our collaborative efforts. *Yes, willing to make a commitmentNo, but we would like to learn more about the commitmentWe would like to explore alternate optionsIs there anything else that you would like us to know?Submit